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Halloween festivities are right around the corner! Costume contests (because your little one has THE best costume ever this year), school parties, pumpkin carving, and sugary goodness are in your child’s near future.

But, there’s something scarier than Halloween ghouls lurking right around the corner - cavities! We have a few suggestions to keep sugar bugs at bay and keep your child’s smile healthy this Halloween and throughout the holiday season.

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Go trick-or-treating on a full stomach

Make sure your child has a complete and nutritious meal before going trick-or-treating. You’ll be busy picking them up from school and getting their costumes ready, so we know that dinner can be a challenging feat when paired with holiday hustle and bustle. With some careful planning it can be done!

Everything in moderation

It’s tempting to fill your adorably festive candy dishes around the house with Halloween candy, but skip it this year. Moderate your child’s candy consumption time and amount in order to stave off cavities.

Time of day is important

Part of staying cavity-free is keeping the teeth free of decay-causing materials, such as excess sugar. If your child is snacking on candy in the middle of the day without access to a toothbrush, the sugar has a longer opportunity to make its way into the tooth enamel and start the decaying process.

The best time to offer candy is after dinner or any other time that allows your child to brush shortly after. If they don’t have a toothbrush nearby when they are having candy, make sure they have fresh water to wash it away with. (Note: flushing with water does not replace proper brushing.)

Stick to Chocolate

You read that right - choose chocolate! We know there aren’t many times where it’s acceptable to choose chocolate over any other food group, but there is always an exception to the rule! In this case, we suggest chocolate over sticky, sugary candies (in moderation, of course). Hard candies tend to stick to the teeth and aren’t washed away as easily.

Get Crafty

Repurpose Halloween candy into Thanksgiving crafts! There are endless ideas on Pinterest to get creative with your leftover candy. Bonus: if your child is satisfied with the end result of their project, they can give it as a gift later in the season!

Proper dental hygiene is not solely a seasonal practice. If your child is to remain cavity free, they must practice good brushing and flossing habits year-round. Contact us here or give the office nearest you a call to make an appointment.

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